Academic English Test

identik dengan tes IELTS sehingga dapat membantu peserta tes untuk memprediksi nilai IELTS mereka​
AcE Test adalah tes yang dirancang serupa dengan IELTS untuk mengukur kemampuan berbahasa Inggris seseorang yang ingin belajar atau bekerja di luar negeri, atau di lingkungan yang menggunakan bahasa Inggris sebagai sarana komunikasi.


  • The listening part consists of 4 sections, each with 10 questions designed in such a way that the answers appear in the order of the listening.

  • In the first two sections you will listen to conversations/monologs set in an everyday social context.

  • In the last two sections you will listen to conversations/monologs set in educational and training contexts.


  • The reading section has 3 reading passages with a variety of questions using a number of task types.

  • The task types include multiple choice, identifying information, identifying writer’s views/claims, matching information, matching headings, matching features, matching sentence endings, sentence completion, summary completion, note completion, table completion, flow-chart completion, diagram label completion, and short-answer questions.


  • The writing segment has 2 writing tasks and both must be completed.

  • In task 1 you will have to describe visual information.

  • In task 2 you will have to write an essay presenting your point of view or argument.


  • The speaking component consists of 3 parts: introduction and interview, doing a task, and discussion.
  • Part 1 focuses on your ability to answer a range of questions on general topics and common experience.
  • Part 2 focuses on your ability to speak at length on a given topic (without further prompts from the examiner) using appropriate language, and your ability to organize your ideas coherently.
  • Part 3 focuses on your ability to express and justify opinions, and to analyze, discuss and speculate about issues.